In this section, the word instance refers to any object type supported by eNMS. In a request, <instance_type> can be any of the following: device, link, user, service, task, pool.

eNMS has a REST API that can:

Run a service

Services can be run using a standard end point with a payload used to define service specifics.

POST Request

Service Payload Criteria

  • name (mandatory) Name of the service.
  • devices (default: []) List of target devices. By default, the service will run on the devices configured from the web UI
  • pools (default: []) Same as devices for pools.
  • ip_addresses (default: []) Same as devices for pools.
  • payload (default: {}) Payload of the service.
  • async (default: false) JSON boolean.
    • false eNMS runs the service and responds to your request when the service is done running. The response will contain the result of the service, but the connection might time out if the service takes too much time to run.
    • true eNMS runs the service in a different thread and immediately responds with the service ID.
Service Payload Example
  "name": "my_service_or_workflow",
  "devices": ["Washington"],
  "pools": ["Pool1", "Pool2"],
  "ip_addresses": [""],
  "async": true,
  "payload": {"aid": "1-2-3", "user_identified_key": "user_identified_value"}


  • If you do not provide a value for devices you will get the default devices built into the web UI, even if you provide a value in pools or ip_address.
  • For Postman use the type “raw” for entering key/value pairs into the body. Body must also be formatted as application/JSON.
  • Extra form data parameters passed in the body of the POST are available to that service or workflow in payload[“rest_data”][your_key_name1] and payload[“rest_data”][your_key_name2], and they can be accessed within a Service Instance UI form as {{payload[“rest_data”][your_key_name].

Run Service Response - Synchronous

If the “async” argument is either false or omitted, then the request will block until the service has been run to completion or manually stopped.

This is subset of the JSON response returned for a device-by-device workflow.

Run Service Response Example - Synchronous
  "runtime": "2020-04-28 12:21:11.404910",
  "success": true,
  "summary": {
      "success": [
      "failure": []
  "duration": "0:00:01",
  "trigger": "REST",
  "devices": {
  "errors": []

Run Service Response - Asynchronous

If the “async” argument is true, then you will get JSON response with the runtime name needed to retrieve the results.

Run Service Response Example - async
    "errors": [],
    "runtime": "2020-04-28 12:16:45.201077"

Retrieve the status / results of a top-level service

GET Request

  • You will need to replace blank spaces ‘ ‘ in the service_name and runtime with ‘%20’
  • The status property in the result will show either “Running” or “Completed”
Get run service result - result not ready yet (200)
    "status": "Running",
    "result": "No results yet."

The response when the result is ready will look very close to the synchronous result, above - but nested one level deeper inside the “result” property, below.

Get run service result - result is ready (200)
    "status": "Completed",
    "result": {
        "runtime": "2020-04-28 12:47:43.492570",
        "success": true,
        "summary": {
            "success": [
            "failure": []
        "duration": "0:00:02",

Retrieve or delete an instance

Retrieve all attributes for a given instance.

GET or DELETE Request

Retrieve a list of instances with a simple query

Retrieve all instances that mach a simple query.

# via a GET method to the following URL

Example: http://enms_url/rest/query/device
Returns all devices

Example: http://enms_url/rest/query/device?port=22&operating_system=eos
Returns all devices whose port is 22 and operating system EOS

Retreive a list of instances with customized query

Custom table search that allows users to define desired columns to be returned. This search also allows user to define RegEx search to be used to find matching instances.

Custom Query Request

POST Request

Custom Query Payload

  • type - Type of object to search (device, link, …)
  • columns - List of attributes that will become keys in dictionary response
  • maximum_return_records - Integer indicating the maximum number of records to return
  • search_criteria - Dictionary requiring two key/value pairs to define a single search parameter
  "type": "device",
    "columns": ["name", "ip_address", "configuration", "configuration_matches"],
    "maximum_return_records": 3,
    "search_criteria": {"configuration_filter": "inclusion", "configuration": "i"}
  "type": "link",
    "columns": ["name", "source_name"],
    "maximum_return_records": 3,
    "search_criteria": {"name_filter": "inclusion", "name": "i"}
Retrieve all results for a service
  "type": "result",
  "columns": ["result", "service_name", "device_name", "workflow_name"],
  "search_criteria": {
    "service_name": "Regression Workflow L: superworkflow",
    "parent_runtime": "2020-05-25 11:45:25.721338"

In order to retrieve a result for a specific device, it is possible to add the device_name key in the search criteria.


  • Possible columns (or properties) can be found in setup/properties.json.
  • Special columns “matches” is derived from a RegEX match “configuration”, which returns the line where a regex was found
  • The example above will search for configurations using the regex of “link-“.
  • Note the use of configuration attribute is used twice to define a single parameter in search_criteria. Additional pairs can be added to search_criteria to further refine the search.
  • Note in the above example that the attribute used to search on is not required in search_criteria.
  • (attribute)_filter: options include “regex”, “inclusion”, “exclusion”.

Retrieve the configuration of a device

Returns the configuration for a device that has been previously retrieved from the network and stored in the application.

GET Request

Create or update an instance

Used to build or modify and instance in the application.

# via a POST or PUT method to the following URL

Example of payload to schedule a task from the REST API: this payload will create (or update if it already exists) the task test.

   "name": "test",
   "service": "netmiko_check_vrf_test",
   "is_active": true,
   "devices": ["Baltimore"],
   "start_date": "13/08/2019 10:16:50"

This task schedules the service netmiko_check_vrf_test to run at 20/06/2019 23:15:15 on the device whose name is Baltimore.

Migrate between eNMS applications

The migration system can be triggered from the REST API:

# Export: via a POST method to the following URL

# Import: via a POST method to the following URL

The body must contain the name of the project, the types of instance to import/export, and an boolean parameter called empty_database_before_import that tells eNMS whether or not to empty the database before importing.

Example of body:

 "name": "test_project",
 "import_export_types": ["user", "device", "link", "pool", "service", "workflow_edge", "task"],
 "empty_database_before_import": true

You can also trigger the import/export programmatically. Here’s an example with the python requests library.

from requests import post
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

        "name": "Backup",
        "empty_database_before_import": False,
        "import_export_types": ["user", "device", "link", "pool", "service", "workflow_edge", "task"],
    headers={'content-type': 'application/json'},
    auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin')

Topology Import / Export

The import and export of topology can be triggered from the REST API, with a POST request to the following URL:

# Export: via a POST method to the following URL

# Import: via a POST method to the following URL

For the import, you need to attach the file as part of the request (of type “form-data” and not JSON). You must also set the two following key / value pairs.

replace: Whether or not the existing topology must be replaced by the newly imported objects

Example of python script to import programmatically:

from pathlib import Path
from requests import post
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

with open(Path.cwd() / 'project_name.xls', 'rb') as f:
        json={'replace': True},
        files={'file': f},
        auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin')

For the export, you must set the name of the exported file in the JSON payload:

    "name": "rest"

Ping eNMS

Test that eNMS is alive.

GET Request
    "name": 153558346480170,
    "cluster_id": true,

Administration functionality

Some of the functionalities available in the administration panel can be accessed from the REST API as well:

  • update_database_configurations_from_git: download and update device configuration from a git repository.
  • update_all_pools: update all pools.
  • get_git_content: fetch git configuration and automation content.