
eNMS is a Flask web application designed to run on a Unix server with Python 3.6+.

First steps

The first step is to download the application. You can download the latest release of eNMS directly from your browser, by going to the Release section of eNMS github repository.

The other option is to clone the master branch of the git repository from github:

# download the code from github:
git clone
cd eNMS

Once the application is installed, you must go to the eNMS folder and install eNMS python depedencies:

# install the requirements:
pip install -r build/requirements/requirements.txt

Once the requirements have been installed, you can run the application with Flask built-in development server.

# set the FLASK_APP environment variable

# start the application with Flask
flask run --host=

Production mode


By default, eNMS will use an SQLite database (sqlite:///database.db). You can configure a different database with the DATABASE_URL environment variable (see SQL Alchemy database URL)

For example, for a MySQL database, the variable could be:

export DATABASE_URL="mysql://root:password@localhost/enms"

Secret key

You need to configure the secret key used by Flask to sign sessions

# set the SECRET_KEY environment variable
export SECRET_KEY=value-of-your-secret-key

WSGI server

You must use a WSGI HTTP server like gunicorn to run eNMS instead of Flask development server.

You can find a configuration file for gunicorn in the main folder (, and run the application with the following command:

# start the application with gunicorn
gunicorn --config app:app

Hashicorp Vault

All credentials should be stored in a Hashicorp Vault: the settings variable active under the vault section of the settings tells eNMS that a Vault has been setup and can be used. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and options for how to setup a Hashicorp Vault.

You must tell eNMS how to connect to the Vault with
  • the VAULT_ADDRESS environment variable
  • the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
# set the VAULT_ADDRESS environment variable
export VAULT_ADDRESS=url of the vault
# set the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable
export VAULT_TOKEN=vault-token

eNMS can also unseal the Vault automatically at start time. This mechanism is disabled by default. To activate it, you need to: - set the unseal settings variable to true - set the UNSEAL_VAULT_KEYx (x in [1, 5]) environment variables :

export UNSEAL_VAULT_KEY1=key1
export UNSEAL_VAULT_KEY2=key2


The /setup/settings.json file includes:

  • Environment variables for all sensitive data (passwords, tokens, keys). Environment variables are exported from Unix with the export keyword: export VARIABLE_NAME=value. Environment variables include:
- SECRET_KEY = secret_key
- MAIL_PASSWORD = mail_password
- TACACS_PASSWORD = tacacs_password
- SLACK_TOKEN = slack_token
  • Public variables defined in the settings.json file, and later modifiable from the administration panel. Note that changing settings from the administration panel do not currently cause the settings.json file to be rewritten.

Settings app section

  • address (default: "") The address is needed when eNMS needs to provide a link back to the application, which is the case with GoTTY and mail notifications. When left empty, eNMS will try to guess the URL. This might not work consistently depending on your environment (nginx configuration, proxy, …)
  • config_mode (default: "debug") Must be set to “debug” or “production”.
  • startup_migration (default: "examples") Name of the migration to load when eNMS starts for the first time.
    • By default, when eNMS loads for the first time, it will create a network topology and a number of services and workflows as examples of what you can do.
    • You can set the migration to "default" instead, in which case eNMS will only load what is required for the application to function properly.
  • documentation_url (default: "") Can be changed if you want to host your own version of the documentation locally. Points to the online documentation by default.
  • git_repository (default: "") Git is used as a version control system for device configurations: this variable is the address of the remote git repository where eNMS will push all device configurations.

Settings cluster section

  • active (default: false)
  • id (default: true)
  • scan_subnet (default: "")
  • scan_protocol (default: "http")
  • scan_timeout (default: 0.05)

Settings database section

  • pool_size (default: 1000) Number of connections kept persistently in SQL Alchemy pool.
  • max_overflow (default: 10) Maximum overflow size of the connection pool.
  • tiny_string_length (default: 64) Length of a tiny string in the database.
  • small_string_length (default: 255) Length of a small string in the database.
  • small_string_length (default: 32768) Length of a large string in the database.

Settings ldap section

If LDAP/Active Directory is enabled and the user doesn’t exist in the database yet, eNMS tries to authenticate against LDAP/AD using the ldap3 library, and if successful, that user gets added to eNMS locally.

  • active (default: false) Enable LDAP authentication.
  • server (default: "ldap://") LDAP Server URL (also called LDAP Provider URL)
  • userdn (default: "") LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) for the user
  • basedn (default: "DC=domain,DC=ad,DC=company,DC=com") LDAP base distinguished name subtree that is used when searching for user entries on the LDAP server. Use LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) syntax for the entries.
  • admin_group (default: "eNMS.Users,network.Admins") string to match against ‘memberOf’ attributes of the matched user to determine if the user is allowed to log in.


Failure to match memberOf attribute output against admin_group results in a valid ldap user within the basedn being denied access on login. If a memberOf attribute matches the admin_group, they will be given Admin permissions.


eNMS does not store the credentials of LDAP and TACACS users; however, those users are listed in the Admin / Users panel.

Settings mail section

  • server (default: "")
  • port (default: 587)
  • use_tls (default: true)
  • username (default: "eNMS-user")
  • sender (default: "")

Settings mattermost section

  • url (default: "")
  • channel (default: "")
  • verify_certificate (default: true)

Settings paths section

  • files (default:"") Path to eNMS managed files needed by services and workflows. For example, files to upload to devices.
  • custom_code (default: "") Path to custom libraries that can be utilized within services and workflows
  • custom_services (default: "") Path to a folder that contains Custom Services. These services are added to the list of existing services in the Automation Panel when building services and workflows.
  • playbooks (default: "") Path to where Ansible playbooks are stored so that they are choosable in the Ansible Playbook service.

Settings requests section

Allows for tuning of the Python Requests library internal structures for connection pooling. Tuning these might be necessary depending on the load on eNMS.

  • Pool

    • pool_maxsize (default: 10)
    • pool_connections (default: 100)
    • pool_block (default: false)
  • Retries

    • total (default: 2)
    • read (default: 2)
    • connect (default: 2)
    • backoff_factor (default: 0.5)

Settings security section

  • hash_user_passwords (default: true) All user passwords are automatically hashed by default.
  • forbidden_python_libraries (default: ["eNMS","os","subprocess","sys"]) There are a number of places in the UI where the user is allowed to run custom python scripts. You can configure which python libraries cannot be imported for security reasons.

Settings slack section

  • channel (default: "")

Settings ssh section

  • port_redirection (default: false)
  • bypass_key_prompt (default: true)
  • port (default: -1)
  • start_port (default: 9000)
  • end_port (default: 91000)

Settings tacacs section

  • active (default: false)
  • address (default: "")

Settings vault section

For eNMS to use a Vault to store all sensitive data (user and network credentials), you must set the active variable to true, provide an address and export

Public variables

  • active (default: false)
  • unseal (default: false) Automatically unseal the Vault. You must export the keys as environment variables.

Environment variables


Settings view section

Controls the default view for where the map is initially displayed in the Visualization panels

  • longitude (default: -96.0)
  • latitude (default: 33.0)
  • zoom_level (default: 5)
  • tile_layer (default: "osm")
  • marker (default: "Image")

Logging file

Logging settings exist in separate file: /setup/logging.json. This file is directly passed into the Python Logging library, so it uses the Python3 logger file configuration syntax for your version of Python3. Using this file, the administrator can configure additional loggers and logger destinations as needed for workflows.

By default, the two loggers are configured:
  • The default logger has handlers for sending logs to the stdout console as well as a rotating log file logs/enms.log
  • A security logger captures logs for: User A ran Service/Workflow B on Devices [C,D,E…] to log file logs/security.log

And these can be reconfigured here to forward through syslog to remote collection if desired.

Additionally, the external loggers section allows for changing the log levels for the various libraries used by eNMS.

With multiple gunicorn workers, please consider:
  • Using Python WatchedFileHandler instead of the RotatingFileHandler
  • Configuring the LINUX logrotate utility to perform the desired log rotation
"handlers": {
  "rotation": {
    "level": "DEBUG",
    "formatter": "standard",
    "filename": "logs/enms.log",
    "class": "logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler"

Properties file

The /setup/properties.json file includes:

  1. Allowing for additional custom properties to be defined in eNMS for devices. In this way, eNMS device inventory can be extended to include additional columns/fields
  2. Allowing for additional custom parameters to be added to services and workflows
  3. Controlling which parameters and widgets can be seen from the Dashboard
  4. Controlling which column/field properties are visible in the tables for device and link inventory, configuration, pools, as well as the service, results, and task browsers

properties.json custom device addition example:
  • Keys under {"custom": { "device": {
    • name the custom attribute being added.
    • Keys/Value pairs under the newly added custom device attribute device_status.
      • “pretty_name”:”Default Username”, device attribute name to be displayed in UI
      • “type”:”string”, data type of attribute
      • “default”:”None”, default value of attribute
      • “private”: true optional - is attribute hidden from user
      • “configuration”: true optional - creates a custom ‘Inventory/Configurations’ attribute
      • “log_change” false optional - disables logging when a changes is made to attribute
      • “form”: false optional - disables option to edit attribute in Device User Interface
      • “migrate”: fasle optional - choose if attribute should be consdered for migration
      • “serialize”: false optional - whether it is passed to the front-end when the object itself is
  • Keys under "tables" : { "device" : [ {  & "tables" : { "configuration" : [ {
    • Details which attributes to display in these table, add custom attributes here
    • Keys/Value pairs for tables
      • “data”:”device_status”, attribute created in custom device above
      • “title”:”Device Status”, name to display in table
      • “search”:”text”, search type
      • “width”:”80%”, optional - text alignment, other example “width”:”130px”,
      • “visible”:false, default display option
      • “orderable”: false allow user to order by this attribute
  • Values under "filtering" : { "device" : [
    • details which attributes to use for filtering
    • you will need to add any custom device attributes name to this list for filtering

RBAC file

The /setup/rbac.json file allows configuration of:

  • Which user roles have access to each of the controls in the UI
  • Which user roles have access to each of the REST API endpoints

Environment variables

  • SECRET_KEY=secret_key
  • MAIL_PASSWORD=mail_password
  • TACACS_PASSWORD=tacacs_password
  • SLACK_TOKEN=slack_token


The scheduler used for running tasks at a later time is a web application that is distinct from eNMS. It can be installed on the same server as eNMS, or a remote server.

Before running the scheduler, you must configure the following environment variables so it knows where eNMS is located and what credentials to authenticate with:

  • ENMS_ADDR: URL of the remote server (example: "")
  • ENMS_USER: eNMS login
  • ENMS_PASSWORD: eNMS password

The scheduler is a asynchronous application that must be deployed with uvicorn :

cd scheduler
uvicorn scheduler:scheduler --host