
Easily synonymous with teams, Groups are a collection of users. Groups define which pages and actions a team can take (Menu and Endpoint Access); they also define default access for user created objects (Default Model Access) and define the type of access along with the specific devices they may use (Device RBAC Setup). RBAC is an acronym for Role Based Access Control.

Main Properties

Main Properties

  • Name: Unique identification for team name
  • Creator: Auto Populated field based on the user who built the team
  • Description: Text field for storing notes
  • Email: Team email address
  • Admin Only: An override of Access Control, which prevents non-admin users from viewing or editing this object.
  • Always set 'Read' access: An override of Access Control, which will make this team always have read level access to all services. This is helpful for admin like Groups to be able to support other Groups help requests, by always granting view access.
  • Users: Members of this team

Menu and Endpoint Access

Fine control of actions a team can take.

Menu and Endpoint Access

  • Menu: Corresponding to the left sidebar, selections here define a base level of access.
  • Pages: Defining the second level of access, this allows selection of sub-menus from Menu above.
  • Get Requests: Defining the third level of access, each request for data has a selectable endpoint.
  • Post Requests: Further defining the third level of access, each request to modify or run has a selectable endpoint.
  • Delete Requests: Further defining the third level of access, each request to remove objects has a selectable endpoint.

Default Model Access

Default access for user created objects.

Menu and Endpoint Access

  • Credential Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Credential object. Options: Read/Edit.
  • Device Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Credential object. Options: Read/Edit.
    • Read: Groups allowed to view this instance
    • Configuration: Groups allowed to view the configuration attribute of a device instance
    • Edit: Groups allowed to modify this instance
    • Connect via SSH: Groups allowed to use the Connection or WebSSH feature found on the device table.
    • Use as Target: Groups allowed to use this device to run services.
  • Link Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Link object. Options: Read/Edit.
  • Network Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Network object. Options: Read/Edit.
  • Pool Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Pool object. Options: Read/Edit.
  • Service Access: Corresponding to the left sidebar, selections here define a base level of access.
    • Read: Groups allowed to view this instance
    • Edit: Groups allowed to modify this instance
    • Run: Groups allowed to use this service
  • Task Access: Corresponding to the Access Control menu on a Task object. Options: Read/Edit.

Device RBAC Setup

Device RBAC Setup

  • Read: Select the pool of device objects this team may read.
  • Configuration: Select the pool of device objects, where this team may read a device's 'Configuration` attribute.
  • Edit: Select the pool of device objects this team may modify.
  • Connect: Select the pool of device objects, where this team may use the Connection or WebSSH feature, found on the device table.
  • Target: Select the pool of device objects this team may use while running a service.


Each device can be operated on individually to update the RBAC settings. However, the top menu bar for Groups has an icon that will Update Device RBAC from Pools. This feature uses the settings defined in Device RBAC Setup and pushes those setting onto the appropriate devices.