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Get Worker Status

Show worker processes and services they're currently running. This endpoint will return an error response if redis is not used.

A successful response is in the format of

    <pid>: {
        "info": {
            "memory": <percent memory>%
        "jobs": {
            <service name A>: <number currently running>,
            <service name B>: <number currently running>

Otherwise the response will look like

{ "error": <error detail> }

Method: Get
Address: /rest/workers
Parameters: None
Payload: None


Typical response

    "574677": {
        "info": {
            "memory": "1.1055756400082297%"
        "jobs": {}
    "574678": {
        "info": {
            "memory": "0.41382545141032046%"
        "jobs": {
            "Basic Superworkflow": "1",
            "Data Processing Service": "3",
    "574680": {
        "info": {
            "memory": "0.9065742291978954%"
        "jobs": {}

Redis isn't being used

    "error": "This endpoint requires the use of a Redis queue."

No information available

    "error": "No data available in the Redis queue."